My Portfolio

Cate Carpenter

Graphic Designer

Hi my name is Cate and I am a graphic designer based in Spokane, Washington. I received my Bachelor of Design in Visual Communication Design with a certificate in UX/UI from Eastern Washington University. My strengths are branding, layout, and illustration. My principles such as transparency, accountability, and organization are implemented into all of my projects.

Daily Dashboard

Client: Colin Manikoth

Project: The Daily Dashboard conveys real-time information and prioritizes content to your needs as a user. For this example, I used a mirror as a platform to represent that this dashboard is used during different times of the day.

Tools: Figma & Photoshop

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Old Maid Card Game

Client: Chris Tylia

Project: My goal for this Production Design Class project was to design a remix of the classic card game Old Maid. I created unique fruit and vegetable characters that each had a different personality. I designed a color theme, box and card packaging, and straight-foward rules and instructions to make the game fun and simple.

Tools: Adobe Capture, InDesign, Photoshop, & Illustrator

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Belts Typeface

Client: Travis Masingale

Project: The goal of this project was to create a typeface from any physical object. I experimented with different types of candy and enjoyed the movement & texture that was created from rainbow sour belts. For the final version, I digitized the typeface to focus on these elements.

Tools: InDesign, Illustrator, & Adobe Capture

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LCC Branding

Client: Nadden Shaw, Lilac Commercial Cleaning

Project: Lilac Commercial Cleaning is a new company based in Spokane, WA that needed guidance establishing themselves as a brand. I designed a logo, style guide, and invoice template in an effort to distinguish them from competitors.

Tools: Illustrator & InDesign

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Animal Crossing Soundboard

Client: Colin Manikoth

Project: The goal for this project was to create a soundboard that has a topic with a corresponding theme using Vanilla JS. The challenge was to understand that the sounds are played by clicking virtual keys (click events) and by pressing physical keys (keydown events).

Tools: Codepen

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PrimeTime Mentoring Branding

Client: Kelley Hinrichs, Communities in Schools’ PrimeTime Mentoring – Spokane County

My Role: Create Flyer & Style Guide. Group Project: My objective for this project was to create advertising and branding material such as a flyer and style guide for PrimeTime Mentoring. The goal behind my messaging was to help youth succeed and increase volunteer numbers.

Tools: InDesign, & Illustrator

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Surreal Still Life

Client: Jamin Kuhn

Project: My Surreal Still Life consists of 5 unique objects with dynamic lighting to create a lifelike bathroom scene. The scene conveys a mix of fact and fantasy with lifelike objects, but with ominous movement and color themes. The goal of this project was to Utilize both Polygonal and Curves modeling techniques and Implement fluid motion using keyframing.

Tools: Autodesk Maya

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Halloween Google Doodle

Client: Colin Manikoth

Google Doodles can be fun, insightful, intelligent, or just weird, but all have emotion. The objective for this project was to create and animate a doodle using SVGs with CSS transitions as well as the GreenSock Animation Library. I used a variety of movements to simulate a spooky and shaky feel for my Halloween Design.

Tools: Codepen

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